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Integration with other web servers

FishEye has a built-in web server, but commonly runs in an environment that has its own web server. You can easily proxy-through to FishEye from this primary web server, so that it appears FishEye is part of the primary web server.

In most situations, FishEye can determine the host and port of the primary web server automatically. This is usefull when you have multiple virtual-hosts proxied through to the one FishEye instance.

If it appears FishEye is having trouble automatically detecting the primary web server's host and port, you will need to set the Proxy host and Proxy port parameters. If the primary web server is running on WEBHOST:80 and FishEye is running on FEHOST:8080, then you can set FishEye's Proxy host and Proxy port parameters to WEBHOST and 80.

If the primary web server is using SSL, then you should set Proxy scheme to https.

You will probably want FishEye to appear in a "subdirectory" of the primary server. In that case, you need to set FishEye's web context parameter. The rest of the page assumes you have set this value to fisheye.

Then configure your primary web server as follows.


The easiest way to proxy through to FishEye is using the ProxyPass directive (which requires the mod_proxy module). Add this section to your Apache configuration:

ProxyPass /fisheye  http://FEHOST:8080/fisheye

If you want Apache to serve FishEye's static content, then you can do something like this instead:

<Directory "/FISHEYE_HOME/content/static" >
    Allow from all
    AllowOverride None
Alias /fisheye/static /FISHEYE_HOME/content/static
ProxyPass /fisheye/static/ !
ProxyPass /fisheye  http://FEHOST:8080/fisheye
An alternative to using ProxyPass is to use mod_rewrite with the [P] flag.


FishEye also supports AJPv13 connectivity. For more information, please see ajp13.