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Repository Configuration

FishEye has various configuration options for each repository. You can also configure defaults that apply to all repositories.

Repository management

In the current version, you will need to "restart" a repository when you make changes to its configuration. You can do this from the Repository List.

Updater (CVS)

FishEye will monitor your CVS "history" file (CVSROOT/history) to determine what in your repository has changed. FishEye will also periodically scan the whole repository.

CVS is not always configured to create a history file. Talk to your CVS administrator.

The default values should be fine for most repositories. (Leave a value blank to use the default value.)

History file The location the CVS history file. If relative, then it is relative to the CVS directory specified for this repository. Defaults to ./CVSROOT/history.
Full scan period How often FishEye will do a full scan of the repository. Defaults to 15 minutes. Specify using an interval, such as "15 min", "2 hours", etc. A value of "0" disables the periodic full-scan (you can still use fisheyectl fullscan to cause a full-scan to occur).
Strip prefix

Prefix to strip off files found in the history file, to make them relative to this repository's CVS directory.

Necessary if the CVS directory specified is not the "root" of the CVS repository. For example, your CVS is located at /usr/local/cvsroot, but you specified /usr/local/cvsroot/foo/bar as the CVS directory of this repository. You will need to give the history file as ../../CVSROOT/history and set a strip prefix of foo/bar.

Updater (SVN)

Poll Period How often FishEye will check if there have been any new commits into the SVN repository. The default is 60 seconds. It is possible to set the period by units, for example: 10second, 1week. Valid units are "second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "year". The default unit is days if only a number is added.


FishEye can detect special substrings in commit messages, and hyperlink those substrings to other systems. This is particularly useful if you use an issue tracking system, and put the issue identifiers into your commit messages.

Any linkers defined in the repository defaults are added to each individual repository.

Here are some example simple linkers:

  • Regex: [a-zA-Z]{2,}-\d+
    Href: http://jirahost:8080/browse/${0}
    Link any occurrence of a Jira-style issue to Jira.
  • Regex: ^BUG: (\d+)
    Href: http://bugzilla/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=${1}
    Links bug numbers that occur at the start of a line to Bugzilla.


FishEye has a watch notification system that allows users to receive email notifications when commits are detected. This functionality can be disabled on a per-repository basis.

Watch functionality requires a valid SMTP server to be configured.

Allow (process)

By default, FishEye will cache and index your whole repository, and presents all of this information to users. You can control what parts of your repository FishEye will access in the Allow section.

Includes defines what subtrees of your repository fisheye will access. It defaults to "everything". If you specify some include directories, then only those directories (and all their subdirectories) will be included by FishEye.

Excludes allows you to specifically exclude files and directories that may have been included. Each exclude is is an Antglob. Examples:

  • /CVSROOT/** (or just /CVSROOT/): excludes /CVSROOT and all its sub-children.
  • *.OBJ: excludes any OBJ files.
Changes to Includes & Excludes do not take effect until a full re-slurp of your repository is performed.

Hidden Dirs

You can mark unused(deprecated) directories as "hidden", so that they do not appear in the FishEye user interface unless the user has specifically toggled "Show hidden directories". FishEye will still index and cache these directories.

This can be useful if have old directories that you don't want cluttering the UI by default.

Tarball Settings

FishEye contains a feature that will build an archive of a directory tree. This feature is disabled by default. Tarball settings in the Repository Defaults can be over-ridden on a per-repository basis.

You can set a limit on the number of files that a tarball can contain.

You can selectively disable tarballs creation for certain directories, or directory trees.


These properties allow you to customize the behavior of FishEye specifically removing the graph and calendars from certain screens.