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Clover Command Line Tools

Clover provides a set of Command line tools for integration with legacy build systems such as Make, or custom build scripts. If you use Jakarta Ant to build your project, a set of Clover Ant Tasks provide easier Ant integration.

To use the tools in your build system, the synopsis is:

  1. Copy and instrument your source files using CloverInstr.
  2. Compile the instrumented source files using a standard java compiler.
  3. Execute your tests using whatever framework.
  4. (Optional) If you have multiple separate coverage databases, merge them using CloverMerge
  5. Use either the XmlReporter, HtmlReporter, ConsoleReporter or SwingViewer to view the measured coverage results.

Command line tools:

CloverInstrCopies and instruments individual java source files, or a directory of source files.
CloverMergeMerges existing Clover databases to allow for combined reports to be generated.
XmlReporterProduces coverage reports in XML
HtmlReporterProduces coverage reports in HTML
PDFReporterProduces coverage reports in PDF format
ConsoleReporterReports coverage results to the console
SwingViewerLaunches the Swing coverage viewer