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Merges several Clover databases to allow for multi-project reports to be generated. To use with reporting tasks such as <clover-report>, <clover-historypoint> and <clover-view> you can use the optional "initstring" attribute on these tasks to specify the value of the merged database.


Attribute Description Required
initString The initString of the new coverage database. This has to be a writeable filepath. Yes

Nested elements of <clover-merge>


Specifies a Clover database to merge.

Attribute Description Required
initString the initString of the database to merge. Yes
span Specifies how far back in time to include coverage recordings from since the last Clover build for this database. No; defaults "0 seconds"


Specifies an Ant FileSet of Clover databases to merge. Apart from those shown below, parameters and subelements are the same as for an Ant FileSet.

Attribute Description Required
span Specifies how far back in time to include coverage recordings from since the last Clover build for all databases matched. No; defaults "0 seconds"


 <clover-merge initString="mergedcoverage.db">
    <cloverDb initString="projectAcoverage.db"/>
    <cloverDb initString="projectBcoverage.db" span="30 mins"/>

Produces a merged database containing the measured coverage of project A and project B.

 <clover-merge initString="mergedcoverage.db">
    <cloverDbSet dir="/home/projects" span="30 mins">
          <include name="**/coverage.db"/>

Produces a merged database containing the measured coverage of all databases found under /home/projects.