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Records a coverage history point for use in historical coverage reports.


Attribute Description Required
historyDir The directory where historical data is stored. Yes
initstring The initstring of the coverage database. No; If not specified here, you must ensure <clover-setup> is called prior the execution of this task.
date Specifies an override date for this history point. This allows for generation of past historical data for a project. No; defaults to the timestamp of the current coverage data.
dateFormat Specifies a date format string for parsing the "date" attribute. The string must contain a valid java.text.SimpleDateFormat pattern. No; default set to java.text.SimpleDateFormat using the default pattern and date format symbols for the default locale.
filter comma or space separated list of contexts to exclude when generating the historypoint. See Using Contexts. No
span Specifies how far back in time to include coverage recordings from since the last Clover build. See Using Spans. No; Defaults to "0s".

Nested elements of<clover-historypoint>


<clover-historypoint> supports nested filesets which control which source files are to be included in a historypoint. Only classes which are from the source files in the fileset are included in the historypoint. This allows historypoints to focus on certain packages or particular classes. By using Ant's fileset selectors, more complicated selections are possible, such as the files which have recently changed, or files written by a particular author.


 <clover-historypoint historyDir="clover-historical"/>

Records a history point into the directory PROJECT_DIR/clover-historical

 <clover-historypoint historyDir="clover-historical"

Records a history point, with the effective date of 12:08:56